Chest Lung published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Visible structures. 1. - Trachea. 2. - Hila. 3...
Basic to Intermediate Interpretation. Phillip Smi...
. Trauma . I . For Undergraduate. Staff Members ...
2.Lung apex... 3. trachea... 4. hilum ... 5. heart...
(. lecture . №. 5). Inna Krupnik. Radiological ...
Jeannie Kochkodan, Dr. Perry . Pernicano. , & ...
Margrit Betke. CS585. Project Team. Boston Univers...
Dr. Marwa Majid aladhab. Mbchb, fibms. Case . 45-y...
Gas Exchange Systems. Anatomy of the Chest. Mecha...
Prepared by. :. Dr. . . irene. . roco. Asst. pro...
19. th. April 2013. Kenyatta National Hospital . ...
Chapter 27. Organs of the Chest. Structures of th...
Nick Leaver. 5. th. Year Medical Student.
A & P of descending aorta. Pathology. Diagnos...
Sheetu. Singh. Assistant Professor. Institute of ...
Rossi B, Epelboin L, Jauréguiberry S, Lecso M, Ro...
PET/CT. By : Dr. . Heba. Nabil , MSc. Radiology S...
Normal Chest X-Ray. Pleural Effusion. Blunted cos...
for Finals. Simple Success. Tim Robbins. Academic...
SWATI VARA. Contents. How X-rays work . Radiation...
Eid. Lecturer of Internal Medicine. Delta Univers...
Objectives. Describe the anatomy of the thoracic ...
How X-rays are made. X-ray tube produces ionizing...
Terms . Anatomy & Physiology . Pathology . Di...
J. . Jameel. . FIBMS.Th.CVS.Senior. Lecturer.. D...
Molly B & Ruby S. *download this . powerpoint....
Diseases Part 2. Jed Wolpaw MD, . M.Ed. Outline. M...
Hannah Scholes & Andrew Brennan. This revision...
(leaning forward, hands on knees) when breathing d...
Phase 2a Revision Session. Anna Wilkinson and Ed W...
Interpretation . III. Mediastinum. The . mediasti...
for Employees Exposed to Respirable Crystalline Si...
x Information f or pa tients This leaflet can be m...
Roentgen, received the first Nobel Prize for Physi...
Al-. Githmi. ,. . MD, FRCSC, FRCSC (Ts & CDs)...
Sugar cane dusts Bagassosis. Hay moulds Far...
Dr. MAZ. Normal chest pa and Lat. view. Lung z...
Karrar. Nader AL-. Taie. Special complications . ...
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