Burgdorferi published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Received: January 6, 2014/ Revised: January 14, 20...
Brisson D, Vandermause MF, Meece JK, Reed KD, Dykh...
in . Ixodes scapularis . adult female ticks, Wisco...
From 2011 to 2016, totally 3659 small mammals, cat...
ZN J Lyme disease is caused by bacteria called Bo...
Complaint-. A constant, throbbing left parietal ...
Ilhaam. Ahmed Husain. Pittsburgh, PA. Allah . do...
i. maged from. Human blood:::::. Case studies. Hu...
for Lyme Disease. Christina Nelson, MD, MPH, FAA...
for Lyme Disease. Christina Nelson, MD, MPH, FAA...
.. University . of . Pennsylvania. A GOOD WALK SPO...
LD is caused by the spirochete, . Borrelia burgdor...
23. The causative agent of plague is. a) . Franci...
Indirekter (immunologischer) Nachweis einer . Borr...
Borrelia burgdorferi IgG, IgMto Borrelia Burgdorfe...
Borrelia Oppler et al. Norris, S.J. (2015). vls ...
During 2013–2019, Borrelia miyamotoi infection w...
Why the controversy?. 1. Pr. Dr. Jack Lambert, Pr...
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