Bunch Phase published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
David Johnson, Todd Johnson. US-Japan Collaborati...
Longitudinal Coupled Bunch Instability in MEIC E...
Jan Uythoven – with input from . R.Assmann. , . ...
MHz line rate . Bernd Steffen. July. 2016. Electr...
NoBiggieBunchcom Copyright 57513 2010 by Michael P...
 . EC potential impact to colliders. Reaching a ...
Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences...
for scrubbing of the LHC . J. Esteban Muller (sim...
Beam instabilities. Giovanni Rumolo. in the Mini-...
.. The results from FLASH II . tests. Sven Ackerm...
- setup of 25 ns beams on Q20 production cycle â€...
My favorite:. Color: Orange. Song: Overcomer by M...
1. What are nonBotrytis bunch rots? Essenti...
schemes. plus comments on BCMS and 8b+4e. S. Gila...
bunch instabilities in the CERN PS. Acknowledgmen...
SuperKEKB. Y.Susaki,KEK. -ACCL. 9. Feb, . 2010. ...
DRs. :. What we know so far and what else we need...
With the kind support of:. B. Mikulec, T. Bohl, B...
Y.Susaki,KEK-ACCL. 13 Jan, 2010. Low Emittance Ri...
Method. Take the filling scheme (or directly the ...
on 19 June 2012. Jose Abelleira, Xavier Buffat, C...
. . KIM . Joon. . Yeon. , KIM Do . Gyun. , BHA...
scheme of CEPC. ZHANG, Yuan and WANG, Dou. 2017-0...
dynamics. James P. Sethna, Center for Bright Beam...
Karl Bane. SLAC National Accelerator La...
BI IL/CLIC Beam Dynamics Workshop . –. 25....
Mike Lamont. Preamble. LHC - ramping up. 7-12-201...
David . Neuffer. November 2013. 2. Outline. Front...
GeV. Helga . Timkó. . BE-RF-BR. in collaboratio...
O. ptimization. . for . S. imultaneous. . O. pe...
David . Neuffer. November 2013. 2. Outline. Front...
: . expectations. , observations and outlook . Hu...
Karl Bane. FLS2012 Workshop. 7 March 2012. Longi...
and a Poisson Solver for Periodic Micro Structure...
Status and Possible Upgrades. Alan Fisher. SLAC N...
Alan Fisher. SLAC. LARP CM14. Fermilab. 2010-04-2...
Grade Technology Class. Syring. Elementary. I t...
Dr. Venkat Kaushik. 2016-01-15 . Today’s Topic....
Can Space Charge Stabilize a Bunch Greatly? 1 ...
potential CERN facilities to study proton-drive...
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