Blobs Windows published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Blobs Overview. Azure in a Day Training. Azure Bl...
Jai Haridas. Senior Development Lead. Microsoft C...
50466 Windows® Azure™ Solutions with Microsoft...
@Neuro_Skeptic. http...
Azure . Storage. Name. Title. Organization. Agend...
Azure . Storage. Name. Title. Microsoft . Corpora...
Saranya Sriram,. Technology Evangelist, . Microso...
Larisa . kocsis. priya. . ragupathy. 1. Windows ...
Azure Storage. Name. Title. Microsoft Corporation...
Title. Microsoft Corporation. Presentation Summar...
Tomasz Zukowski . Inobits Consulting. Session Cod...
INDIA . │ . 22-24 . november. . 2010. Windo...
CDP-B231. Jason Hogg, Vinay Shah. Microsoft Azure...
Azure and S3. Udaiappa Ramachandran. NHDN-Cloud C...
Dawie Human. Infrastructure Architect. Inobits. ...
Kalpesh. Patel. Senior Lead Program Manager. Mic...
Speaker Name. Title. Email. Microsoft Corporation...
Michael Niehaus. Senior Product Manager. mniehaus...
Steve Silverberg. Principal Lead Program . Manage...
Rob Tiffany. Mobility Architect. Microsoft. WPH30...
Alexander Wechsler. Enterprise Architect|CEO. Mic...
Miranda Luna. Reid Simon. WAD-B319. Agenda. Overv...
Best platform for modern business. Affordable and...
Windows 10 is the latest Microsoft Operating Syst...
Windows 10 is the latest Microsoft Operating Syst...
A circular window often found in Gothic Churches.... | Are ...
Windows 10 is the latest Microsoft Operating Syst...
Developer’s Guide to Windows 10. Andy Wigley ...
). No Client Licensing. No DCOM. Very Low Bandwid...
Mark . Russinovich. Technical Fellow, Windows. Mi...
wins in the classroom. Top 10 ways Windows wins i...
Windows 10 upgrade. Why or why not?. When . to . ...
Kevin Sullivan. Principal Program Manager Lead. M...
10. Overview of Microsoft’s schedule for new re...
Try to set up a meeting to discuss deployment wit...
Derek Adam. Senior Program Manager. BRK2064. This...
Yoichiro Okada. 2 Editions. Pro for Workstations....
Windows 10 – the safest and most secure version...
Michael Niehaus. Director of Product Marketing, Wi...
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