Blobs published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Blobs Overview. Azure in a Day Training. Azure Bl...
Jai Haridas. Senior Development Lead. Microsoft C...
@Neuro_Skeptic. http...
50466 Windows® Azure™ Solutions with Microsoft...
INDIA . │ . 22-24 . november. . 2010. Windo...
Azure . Storage. Name. Title. Organization. Agend...
Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking Sy...
Gas Outflow and Energy Source. Yuichi Harikane (T...
Objecti. ve. : . Use . the Paranoiac Critical Inv...
Azure . Storage. Name. Title. Microsoft . Corpora...
Saranya Sriram,. Technology Evangelist, . Microso...
on Support . Vector . Machines. Saturnino. , Serg...
22 . Outubro. 2007. . Universidade. Federal do...
This branching marine plant is known commonly as n...
Bill Baer, Microsoft. Chris Givens, Architecting ...
(. NAOJ. ). 松田 有一. (国立天文台. ...
CDP-B231. Jason Hogg, Vinay Shah. Microsoft Azure...
Larisa . kocsis. priya. . ragupathy. 1. Windows ...
0 ~ ~ ~ and Color Vision =======================...
Azure Storage. Name. Title. Microsoft Corporation...
Azure and S3. Udaiappa Ramachandran. NHDN-Cloud C...
Seismic . Waves. . are shock . waves . given off...
Title. Microsoft Corporation. Presentation Summar...
Azure . Blob Storage. Vamshidhar Kommineni. Princ...
The guards see a ghost. Ghost. Guard. Look where ...
We would like to form a higher-level, more compact...
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And how to interpret them. Agniva Roychowdhury, Un...
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