Beamline Design published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Christie Nelson. Level 2 Manager for WBS . 2.07. ...
Zhijian Yin. Level 2 Manager for WBS 2.04. DOE CD...
Instrumentation Readiness Review Ju...
Adam . Bartnik. Cornell University. CU Injector S...
The results guided researchers in using module-swa...
cryo. needs. Mary . Convery. Muon Campus Review....
Wei Gai for the ILC e- and e+ collaboration . PAC...
of . Fermilab. . Accelerator Complex . and Beam ...
temporary spectrometer . for RUBICON experiment,...
Indus Synchrotrons Utilization Division. RRCAT, I...
M. . Stachura. . on behalf . of. . the. VITO ....
M. . Stachura. . on behalf . of. . the. VITO ....
Robin Wines. July 2015. SBS. 11/4/2014. 2. Scatte...
Pascal . Verdier. ISDD software group. 4. th. of...
Beam line. Experiment area. SC magnet. Pion produ...
Until the end of Run17. Week. Access Requests. Wo...
Steve Werkema. Muon Campus Review. January 23, 20...
Beamline . 06. -BM. Tingjun. Yang (. Fermilab. ). DUNE Collaboration...ProtoDUNE -SP: First Look at Data
. November 14, 2015. Proposed UITF re-scoped. Wh...
Joseph Zipper . NEXT Project Quality Assurance En...
STXM images of the lithium distribution in Li x F...
Recent Upgrades. Major Changes. Synchrotron Upgrad...
HiSOR. ) and . nano. -ARPES system at Diamond ligh...
for . Schools. . Introduction. M. Joos, EP/ESE. 2...
-. ‘. keV. ’ and ‘MeV’ beam-lines. UITF M...
fMass MeasurementsConclusions and Future WorkAckno...
FRIB Beamline Integration Plan. Red lines show “...
at the BELLA Center. 1. Eric . Esarey. Cameron Ged...
SwissFEL. with integrated chicanes. Eduard Prat...
due to ISR-induced energy diffusion. Nikolai Yampo...
ATP shifts BRAF dimer interfaces, inducing monomer...
01/06/2022. Michele Bergamaschi. , Patric Muggli, ...
Significance and Impact. The work lays out a basic...
Publication about this research: C.-H. Lee, G. Rom...
. A. . Rachevski. 1. , . M. Ahangarianabhari. 2,...
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