Baleen published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Whales live in oceans and swim under water. Howev...
Mammal Mammal Baleen Teeth One Blowhole Eats Fish ...
Manatees, dugong, sea cows, and mermaids - . Fron...
5. th. Grade . Whale Unit. Miss Traylor’s Clas...
By. Sara Kowalski. Toothed Whales vs. Baleen Whal...
WHY DO WE STUDY WHALES? . There is still a great d...
DESCRIPT I ON found all around Scottish coastal wa...
By: Colleen Bereda. Period 4. Just the Basics. ...
What Makes . A Whale . A Whale?. Whales are Mamma...
Heck yeah.. Whale singing! =D (communication). Wh...
Know the defining characteristics of mammals.. Cl...
What is a Mammal?. Mammals have a 4 chambered hea...
whales. A report by Jason and . Ditar. FAMILY LIF...
Southern Ocean accounts for only ~10% of world’...
What do they tell us about the Pisco?. Research ....
Written by Susan Lennox. Blue Whales:. Giant Mamm...
June 22-23, 2017. Presentation by: Drs. Erica Sta...
What do they tell us about the Pisco?. Research ....
POLAR BEARS . Top predator in the marine food cha...
One type of animal that made a successful and comp...
A Whale?. Whales are Mammals!. Photo credit: M McG...
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