Azimuthal published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Huaiyu . Yuan. 1,2,3. . , Scott . French. 4. an...
Takafumi. . Niida. for the PHENIX Collaboration...
. charged . pions. . W. ith respect to 3. rd. ...
Thomas 87060 Limoges France Faouzi Bahloul and Mo...
Colorado School of Mines Department of Geophysics...
Summary Oil and gas production from ti ght fractu...
SM were able separate the advective processes from...
www. .com SCI - GUIDE Azimuthal Gamma and In...
Seismology- lecture 5. Barbara Romanowicz, UC Ber...
(1) where represents the source / receiver azimu...
1 Spectral Azimuthal Gamma Ray Sensor We...
Poterjoy. May 20, . 2013. Work over the past two ...
Jason Davis . Matthew Parker. North Carolina Stat...
Maps. What is wrong with this map?. It is flat.. ...
G. Vallone, P. Ferracin, C. Fichera, M. Guinchard...
= 2.4 GeV measured . with HADES. . Dominique Dit...
Paul . Romatschke. CU Boulder & CTQM. based on...
C. Fichera. , G. Vallone, P. Ferracin, M. Guinchar...
Seismology- lecture 5. Barbara Romanowicz, UC Berk...
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