Aseel published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
. Transmission Basics - Aseel AlHadlaq. Data vs Si...
Examining interacting muscles . There are commonl...
Exploring gas pressure. The pressure of the atmos...
Using Indicators . The traffic indicators on a ca...
Exploring Magnets. Magnets have many effects, som...
Exploring the importance of insects . Food securi...
Understanding . challenges . facing pollinators ....
Analysing . adaptations . for respiration. They a...
Understanding anaerobic respiration. Plants and m...
Understanding electrostatic field. Charged object...
Changing . Physical state. When you make ice or m...
Explaining static charge. In ancient Greece, peop...
Separating mixtures. If you put different objects...
Exploring the role of stomata. Plants are found i...
Explaining floating and sinking. The Greek physic...
Understanding . distillation. Distillation is use...
Exploring reactions of acids with carbonates . In...
Knowing how pollination leads to . fertilisation....
Exploring the importance of minerals to plants. A...
Calculating pressure. Calculating pressure is imp...
Investigating the effectiveness of . antacids . I...
Understanding how seeds are dispersed by the wind...
Investigating chemosynthesis. Most living organi...
Exploring the movement of water and minerals in p...
The heart is odd one out. The heart is made from ...
Gemstones, such as amethyst, are crystal that for...
Symbols and simple diagrams can accurately repres...
Jamil. . Al-twaije. r . l...
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