Arxiv Spin published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
. @ University of Helsinki. Eva . Isaksson. Hels...
I. nteractions . Studying the properties of neutr...
Zhiyuan Tang. , Zhongfa Liao, Feihu Xu, Bing Qi, ...
Sergei Popov. (SAI MSU). Plan. General intro. P...
arXiv:1408.3108 [hep-. ph. ]. Gin. és. MARTINEZ...
S. Dawson. CMS HH Workshop. January 18, 2016. 1. ...
Neutrino Flavor Conversion. in Supernovae. Georg ...
(arXiv:1408.3129). Latham Boyle,. Kendrick Smith...
Hong . Liu. Josephine . Suh. . Mark . Mezei. Bas...
Alessandro ...
arXiv. , Scopus and . Mendeley. – A Case . Stu...
Oscillations. Collective Neutrino Oscillations. G...
Neutrino . L. imits. Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck...
Yulia Kogan and . Ron . Shiff. 19.06.2016. Refere...
Germán Rodrigo. Workshop on Heavy Particles at t...
Scopel. Supersymmetric. Dark Matter. PPC2010, To...
Axion . L. imits. Georg G. Raffelt, Max-Planck-In...
Yuchen Fan, Matt Potok, Christopher Shroba. Motiv...
from quark-gluon plasma . to Dirac semimetals...
郭宗宽. 昆明. 2013.11.2. anomalies . in CMB ...
. Aaditya. . Ramdas. , . Jianbo. . Chen, . Ma...
ML Reading . Group. Xiao Lin. Jul. 22 2015. I. . ...
. Aaditya. . Ramdas. , . Jianbo. . Chen, . Ma...
Generally a DAG, directed acyclic graph. VisGraph...
Excited States, Variational Principles,. and Quant...
A. (1) symmetry restoration . at . RHIC and . LHC....
an overview. Matthew Pitkin . for the LVC. Univers...
. . Raju Venugopalan. Brookhaven National Laborat...
Yu-An Wang. D...
. . . . Rong. -Gen . Cai. . Institute...
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