Approximation Algorithm published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Algorithms. and Networks 2014/2015. Hans L. . Bo...
Algorithms. and Networks 2015/2016. Hans L. . Bo...
Ravishankar. . Krishnaswamy. Carnegie Mellon Uni...
David P. Williamson. Joint work with Matthias Pol...
Prasad . Raghavendra. . Ning. Chen C. . . ...
1. Tsvi. . Kopelowitz. Knapsack. Given: a set S ...
Sometimes we can handle NP problems with polynomi...
Problem. Yan Lu. 2011-04-26. Klaus Jansen SODA 20...
δ. -Timeliness. Carole . Delporte-Gallet. , . LI...
When the best just isn’t possible. Jeff Chastin...
Alexander . Veniaminovich. IM. , . room. . 3. ...
Princeton University. Game Theory Meets. Compres...
Matt Weinberg. MIT . Princeton MSR. Refer...
LECTURE 13. Pagerank. , Absorbing Random Walks. C...
and Matroids. Soheil Ehsani. January 2018. Joint ...
and Matroids. Soheil Ehsani. January 2018. Joint ...
Lecture 18. May 29, . 2014. May 29, 2014. 1. CS38...
. of Edit Distance. Robert Krauthgamer, . Weizma...
Peter Andras. School of Computing and Mathematics...
Julia Chuzhoy. Toyota Technological Institute at ...
Grigory. . Yaroslavtsev. . Penn State + AT&...
How accurate is your estimate?. Differential Nota...
EECT 7327 . Fall 2014. Successive Approximation....
Stochastic . Optimization. Anupam Gupta. Carnegie...
Abhilasha Seth. CSCE 669. Replacement Paths. G = ...
Lecture 12. Constantinos Daskalakis. The Lemke-. ...
Problems. Proofs. Approximations. Decision Proble...
Raja . Giryes. ICASSP 2011. Volkan. Cevher. Agen...
Part I: Multistage problems. Anupam. Gupta. Carn...
Anupam. Gupta. Carnegie Mellon University. stoch...
Reid Andersen, Christian . Borgs. , Jennifer . Ch...
Akhil. Krishnan Mikhail Markov . Borzoo. . Bon...
1 0 n 0 Error between 64257lter output and a d...
Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure, which defin...
of the MULTIPROGRAMMING LEVEL in . Sybase . SQL A...
by . Matchings. . Tobias . Mömke. and Ola Sven...
4101/5101. Approximation Algorithms. for NP-hard....
Algorithms for Capacitated Facility Location. Hyu...
. Given a stream . , where . , count the number...
. Set Cover. Set Cover. Given. a universe . U ....
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