Api Ercot published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
July 9, . 2014. PGRRs . needing vote. PGRR043 . â...
NPRR 484/554. Legal Disclaimers and Admonitions. ...
Replacement. Presenter: Ino González. . QMWG. ...
Replacement. Presenter: Ino González. . Wholes...
ERCOT CWG/MCWG Meeting. Item 8. February 18, 2015...
Mark . Ruane. Director Settlements, Retail and Cr...
Chad Thompson, Manager, Operations Support, ERCOT...
in . ERCOT. 2014 Operators Training . Seminar. 1....
Update to COPS. RMS/COPS . Workshop . V . Update:...
11, . 2015 . Update to . COPS . RMS/COPS Workshop...
Update to COPS. RMS/COPS Workshop IV Update: . ID...
Jimmy Hartmann. Manager, System Operations. . ER...
NPRR654 . Discontinue Ancillary Service Requirem...
July 8th, . 2015. Brandon Whittle. Report Release...
Prioritization Review. May 14, . 2015. Approved R...
Woody Rickerson. Director Grid Coordination. Janu...
Sandip. Sharma. Workshop: Reactive Power . Testi...
Joe Freeland. Mathews & Freeland, LLP. Proble...
04/06/2015. 1. MCWG update to WMS. Joint meeting ...
May 2015. Below is a list of dates and activities...
RPG Meeting. May 19, 2015. 1. Outline. Introducti...
Review of Itron, Inc. Forecasting and Load Resear...
Sandip Sharma . ERCOT . Operations Analysis . 1. ...
RMS Presentation. 05/05/2015. David Forfia. Direc...
TAC Presentation. May 28, 2015. David Forfia. Dir...
Replacement. ERCOT. Ino . González. . QMWG. Jan...
663NPRR . Ancillary Service Insufficiency Actions...
Penetration Patterns. Connor Anderson, . ERCOT En...
www.texastechnologypartners.com. Mark . Armentrou...
. Topics for discussion:. 1.) ERCOT An...
A Review of Why We Are Here . In Response To Ques...
. http://. www.ercot.com/calendar/2015/10/6/7533...
April 6. th. , 2015. Brandon Whittle. Report Rele...
Ino González. RCWG Meeting. 2/24/2016. Agenda. C...
Principal Engineer. New Generation technologies a...
Agenda. Introduction and Expectations. Path to be...
Process and New Equipment. 1. Introduction. This ...
Doug Murray. 3/22/2016. Agenda. Changes to Curren...
Replacement. ERCOT. Ino . González. . QMWG. Jan...
April 2015 Update to COPS. Registered DG Threshol...
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