Agrawal published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
ucsbedu ABSTRACT Web service providers have been u...
acin Abstract We present an unconditional determin...
ucsbedu Rakesh Agrawal Search Labs Microsoft Resea...
nusedusg 1 Introduction In mathematics automorphis...
umassedu University of Massachusetts Amherst Abstr...
berkeleyedu University of California Berkeley Abst...
com surajitcmicrosoftcom viveknarmicrosoftcom Abst...
Davis Mark Manasse Rina Panigrahy Microsoft Resea...
Agrawal Department of Electrical and Computer Eng...
com Samuel Ieong Search Labs Microsoft Research sa...
nuseducom Divyakant Agrawal University of Californ...
SGGSIE&T, Nanded. CAD . Software and Hardware...
---1--- W.P.No.6385/2014 04.03.2015 ---2--- As the...
W.P.No.6385/2014 05.03.2015
a. nd Its Applications. Praveen Venkataraman. i. ...
Suraj. . Sindia. Vishwani D. . Agrawal. Auburn U...
*For correspondence. (e-mail:
We examine the nature, determinants, and consequen...
Psaila* Edward L. Wimmers Mohamed .&It IBM Almade...
Summer Camp. “Imagination is more important tha...
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering...
Kaushik Khosla Sethi Agrawal
(HR CONSULTANT). OUR PROFILE…. . We are pleas...
282 Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 30 (2012) 282-295 Corres...
A . History of the VLSI Design . Conference. Vish...
DDG . Application & . Authentication Divisio...
a Hard-to-Find Test. Murali Venkatasubramanian...
Managing Multinational Enterprises. Dr. Victor Z....
DDG . Application & . Authentication Divisio...
B. Com (H), CA, LLB. Partner . Athena Law Associa...
Vishwani D. Agrawal. Professor Emeritus. Departme...
Additional Professor. Department of Ophthalmology....
Additional Professor. Department of Ophthalmology....
Additional Professor. Department of Ophthalmology....
16. th. Indo-US . Cytometry. Workshop. Tata Memo...
Additional Professor,. Department of Ophthalmology...
Authentication Division . Unique Identification Au...
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