Agata published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
GANIL AGATA . Days. . February. 2013. AGATA Ca...
Wolfram KORTEN. CEA . Saclay. DSM/IRFU/. SPhN. Sh...
Lyon November 2010. AGATA ACC Agenda. 25. th. No...
Orsay June 2012. AGATA ACC Agenda. 27. th. June ...
Wolk-Lewanowicz. Gerrard Fisher. P. eter Mitchell...
Catania is situated between the Ionian Sea and Mo...
5TC+5DC. 2014 . GANIL/SPIRAL2 . . 15TC. AGAT...
Dino Bazzacco. INFN Padova. Part 1: Review of AGA...
Department of Physics. AGATA Week . 3-7 October, 2...
Sezione Criminalità Organizzata. OPERAZIONE COORD...
Łukasz Leder, Maksymilian Kozłowski, Mikołaj Ja...
The LNL . Campaign. The GSI . Campaign. The GANI...
AGATA Week October 2016. The AGATA campaign is org...
collapsed then later substituted by the fresco of...
P. eter Mitchell. James De Couter . WRAP. is an i...
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