3tc Tdf published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
STRIIVING . Study. Design. Endpoints. Primary: pr...
ATV/r 300/100 mg QD 3TC 300 mg QD. N = 133. N =...
Study. LPV/. r. bid + 3TC or FTC . qd. + NRTI. N ...
Endpoints. Primary: proportion of patients with HI...
Virologically. Suppressed. OLE Trial. LPV-RTV + ....
1. ViiV Healthcare, Brentford, UK; . 2. Centre Hos...
(with perspectives from well-resourced and resour...
The IATT Optimal Pediatric ARV List. . Presented...
r. + 3TC. OLE . Study. LPV/. r. bid + 3TC or FT...
Susan M. Graham . Assistant Professor, Medicine a...
Implementation Challenges. Annette H. Sohn, MD. T...
Martina Penazzato MD, PhD. Paediatric lead, HIV D...
Hall 11B, RAI Amsterdam. Uptake and Procurement of...
nd. 90: Child Friendly Formulations . Victor Mu...
Dolutegravir based regimens in first- ad second-li...
(CRPDDP). Training Contents. Module 1. : . HIV Ove...
Y. . S. un, J. Li, J. Ma, C. Wang, F. Bai, K. Zhao...
Identifier: . NCT02770508 . Dual therapy based on ...
HIV Malaria Co-infection. M . Lamorde. MRCP, PhD...
LC-3 ero"-I3ns3tCut3tC-3cifl-"utna-3I-Ireᐄu...
Johannesburg, South Africa. June 18-20, 2012. HIV...
. . Thanyawee. . Puthanakit. , MD.. Division of ...
James . Nuttall. Paediatric. Infectious Diseases...
Alison Galdys, MD. ID Clinical Case Conference. 2...
Generic. HIV . Drugs. on 90-90-90. Esteban Burr...
This program will include a discussion of off-lab...
Data . from other . cohorts and . regions to guid...
HIV: Presentation . of Systematic reviews and Mai...
antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1:. a meta-analysi...
T. herapy (ART) & Management of HIV positive...
M. edications. in . Paediatrics. Dr Leon J. Levi...
Cameroon Perspectives . IAS, Paris 23 July, . 201...
New Drugs in Development Are We Ready for Long-Ac...
Dolutegravir monotherapy vs. dolutegravir/ abac...
1 Queen Mary University, London, United Kingdom; ...
Godelieve. de Bree. Internist-. infectiologist. ,...
had . Comparable Immunological. , . Virological. ...
PADO-Dr Martina Penazzato MD MSc PhDPaediatricHIV ...
):. Antiretroviral Therapy Cases . and . Panel Dis...
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