245 published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
TAB 224 442 7625012 543 5797 345 5797 345 5797 345...
Tamra Zahn CPPA,. Rich Culbertson CPPM, . Russ R...
Major and Minor Changes. What constitutes a major...
Last updated: . Oct. . 6, . 2010. Renette Davis. ...
Boston, Massachusetts. MAGIRT Cataloging and Clas...
Robby . Ragos CPPA. . This Presentation Will Cov...
Transfer training. April 2015. css@bodleian.ox.ac...
Tamra Zahn CPPA,. Rich Culbertson CPPM, . Russ R...
Title Statement and Variant Titles. Title Stateme...
Tamra Zahn CPPA,. Rich Culbertson CPPM, . Russ R...
A Tour of . RDA and the (. BSR) for Textual Monog...
Tamra Zahn CPPA,. Rich Culbertson CPPM, . Russ R...
Transcription Exercises. Transcribe into MARC Fie...
You’ll Learn: To use and convert metric units o...
2.064 ÷ 0.24. Step 1- Move the decimal in the di...
RDA Essentials Izmir Institute of Technology Mar...
RDA Essentials for SW and SE Ohio April 1 and Jun...
Are you Ready? RDA Basics for Copy Catalogers OL...
Session 6: Major and Minor Changes What constitut...
Seite 1 von 16 Technologiezentrum Typpr
The intent of this document is to offer guidance t...
There must be a defined set of learning objectives...
Keyfactorsinfluencingcanineheartworm, Dirofilariai...
O Box 245 Berkeley California 94701 Research Note ...
6 He 245 Li 545 Be 930 B 140 830 C 195 107 N 255 1...
STAR Value: 0.245 Cost: $259.99 Riddell 360 STAR V...
Catalogue “Arivu”, 245, Sathyavani M...
147 FAX 800-245-0329 LUGS AND CONNECTORS 3M ...
Extinction Kalmand-Bahadoran Protected Area V...
245 244 PERU ISBN: 978-92-64-07521-4 -
Advanced Serials . Cataloging Workshop. Serials C...
Monthly Tip: September 2009 │ 245 N Highl...
12 May 2014. What we’ll cover today. Little bi...
Fig. 1. (A) Histological appearance of a well-form...
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