(ist/utc): published presentations and documents on DocSlides.
Specialising in Science & Engineering . for t...
Precipitable. water (shaded, mm); 700-. hPa wind...
-1. CIN extending upwards to 800 . hPa. and <...
Elizabeth Laier . English. Peter Whibberley. Conwa...
BM – Long Day Participant Submissions (MPI). On ...
TURNKEY . TURNKEY . transforming underutilised re...
Volunteer Experience at. World Scout Jamborees (W...
The Pennsylvania State University. Dongwon. Lee,...
VO GEDICHTE 1: Was ist ein Gedicht? Ilse Aichinge...
JUFA Hotels ist vieles, aber vor allem ein regiona...
Wassermind. 6 bar, Anschluss ¾ Zoll, mind. 15 l/m...
SprachspieleSpiel 1SpielanleitungDiesen Klassiker ...
Das ist der Elefant.. Das ist die Biene.. Das ist ...
Dies ist eine Überschrift. feiert. 1. 60 Jahre. 1...
Peter Sandercock. University of Edinburgh. on beha...
Bothwell and Patrick Marsh-Storm . Prediction . C...
Andersson. . Tage. .. Boreal Environment Researc...
– . satellite-based detection methods and corre...
John D McMillen. John D McMillen. Lake Bonneville...
Watershed. Preliminary Results. Lele. Kimball. O...
Demetrios Matsakis (USNO). Lasers, Light, and Leg...
Nari. (2001) during the landfall process. Yang, ...
Performance metrics show the levels of attainment...
Dan . Sauceda. Outline. Information on the Region...
CUTC. June 2013. Lisa Loyo. Manager, Information ...
Murphy . . . . Earth & Atmospheric Scienc...
Night-Time . Microphysics RGB Imagery . with Prox...
1815 UTC. 2135 UTC. Clear patches due to canyon d...
boundary . layer and . orographic. circulation . ...
Zachary S. Bruick. 1. , Nicholas D. Metz. 2. , an...
AFD was posted by NWS in St. Charles at 4:31 AM C...
Whitewater - Baldy Complex Fire, New Mexico, 29 M...
– . satellite-based detection methods and corre...
Matthew Vaughan, Brian Tang, and Lance Bosart. De...
Matthew Vaughan, Brian Tang, and Lance Bosart. De...
Ian Lee, Dr. Dave . Fitzjarrald. NOAA/NWS Albany,...
NO NUDGING. NUDGING. Low-level mixed layer deeper...
North Pacific:. Sensitivity to Microphysics. Alic...
Yudong. Gao. 1 observational data analysis. Pict...
CAQ wins . byelection. in Quebec City suburb. As...
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