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(READ)-After the Quality Audit: Closing the Loop on the Audit Process

Armed with the latest ISO 9000 standards, independ...

(EBOOK)-The Fail-Safe Startup: Your Roadmap for Entrepreneurial Success

\'Creating something from nothing is a daring act....

(BOOK)-Wiley CPA Exam Review 2011, Auditing and Attestation

Everything today\'s CPA candidates need to pass th...

(READ)-Disease in Milk the Remedy, Pasteurization the Life Work of Nathan Straus

Excerpt from Disease in Milk: The Remedy, Pasteuri...

(DOWNLOAD)-Ten for Survival: Survive Nuclear Attack

This work has been selected by scholars as being c...

(BOOS)-Penny Capitalism: A Guatemalan Indian Economy (Classic Reprint)

Excerpt from Penny Capitalism: A Guatemalan Indian...

(BOOS)-EUBAT L\'Europe, unicité des valeurs, diversité culturelle

Pour evaluer ses connaissances en matiere d\'histo...

(DOWNLOAD)-An Integer Programming Procedure for Assembly System Design Problems

This work has been selected by scholars as being c...

(DOWNLOAD)-The Quality Audit Handbook

For too long, the quality profession has been view...

(BOOS)-The Betrayal of the Slums

This work has been selected by scholars as being c...

(BOOK)-The Plan of Laughing Land: A Money Back Book

This work has been selected by scholars as being c...
