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(BOOS)-Articulatory and Phonological Impairments: A Clinical Focus (2nd Edition)

Updated fully in its Second Edition, Articulatory ...

(BOOS)-Motor Speech Disorders: Substrates, Differential Diagnosis, and Management

Ensure you\'re up to speed with the most recent fi...

(DOWNLOAD)-Atlas of Neuroanatomy for Communication Science and Disorders

Master essential neuroanatomy in this full...

(READ)-A Handbook on Suttering

The revised edition of the Handbook on Stuttering ...

(BOOS)-Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss

Medical-Legal Evaluation of Hearing Loss, Third Ed...

(READ)-Dysphagia: Clinical Management in Adults and Children

Get all the information you need to confidently ma...

(EBOOK)-Stuttering: An Integrated Approach to Its Nature and Treatment

Stuttering is the most comprehensive core introduc...

(EBOOK)-Crying Hands: Eugenics and Deaf People in Nazi Germany

Now available in paperback ISBN 1-56368-25...

(DOWNLOAD)-Clinical Anatomy & Physiology of the Swallow Mechanism

A Volume in the Dysphagia Series. This complete an...

(DOWNLOAD)-Functional Communication Training for Problem Behavior

Children and adolescents with moderate and severe ...

(BOOK)-Anthroposophical Therapeutic Speech

Written for speech therapists and doctors, this bo...

(READ)-From Sound to Synapse: Physiology of the Mammalian Ear

This comprehensive introduction to the functions o...

(BOOS)-Children\'s Pragmatic Communication Difficulties

This volume provides a synthesis of work in the fi...

(DOWNLOAD)-Overcoming Apraxia

When a child isn\'t speaking, parents are often re...

(EBOOK)-Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders

Each New Print Copy Includes Navigate 2 Advantage ...

(BOOS)-Hearing: Anatomy, Physiology, and Disorders of the Auditory System

Content:Ear --Anatomy of the ear --Sound conductio...

(BOOK)-Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Children with Speech Disorder

This book meets the need for a book on disorders f...
