  • 50 Uploads
  • 0 Articles
(READ)-Intervention in Child Language Disorders: A Comprehensive Handbook

A valuable reference for students and clinicians, ...

(BOOK)-Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist

A clear, concise, and approachable writing style h...

(BOOK)-AUDIOLOGY Practice Management

Expert approaches for starting and maintai...

(DOWNLOAD)-Tinnitus: A Self-Management Guide for the Ringing in Your Ears

Written by professionals with extensive clinical a...

(READ)-Speech Sound Disorders

\"Filled with examples of typically developing chi...

(BOOK)-Diagnosis and Evaluation in Speech Pathology

Diagnosis and Evaluation in Speech Pathology prese...

(READ)-Aphasiology: Disorders and Clinical Practice (2nd Edition)

Aphasiology: Disorders and Clinical Practice, 2/e ...

(READ)-Roeser\'s Audiology Desk Reference

Audiologists are often pressed for time and need a...

(BOOK)-Hegde\'s PocketGuide to Communication Disorders

We are proud to offer a brand new companion pocket...

(READ)-The Audiogram Workbook

The Audiogram Workbook - the first guide to provid...

(BOOK)-The Intelligent Ear: On the Nature of Sound Perception

Plomp\'s Aspects of Tone Sensation--published 25 y...

(BOOK)-Memory and Communication Aids for People with Dementia

Help people with memory loss communicate and funct...

(BOOK)-Road to the Code: A Phonological Awareness Program for Young Children

For helping kindergartners and first graders who a...

(BOOK)-Hearing: An Introduction to Psychological and Physiological Acoustics

Brimming with more than more than 1700 references,...

(BOOK)-Acoustic Analysis of Speech

The Acoustic Analysis Of Speech presents essential...

(DOWNLOAD)-Clinical Phonetics

\"A comprehensive introduction to the art and scie...
