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(BOOS)-The Aegean Bronze Age (Cambridge World Archaeology)

Oliver Dickinson has written a scholarly, accessib...

(BOOS)-In Search of the Old Ones: Exploring the Anasazi World of the Southwest

David Roberts describes the culture of the Anasazi...

(DOWNLOAD)-American Artifacts: Essays in Material Culture

When defining culture, one must indeed take into a...

(BOOS)-The Timucua

\"Based on the latest research findings, this is t...

(DOWNLOAD)-The Anthropology of Performance (PAJ Books)

Turner is all over the globe as he addresses issue...

(READ)-Landmarks in Humanities

Landmarks in Humanities is a single-volume survey ...

(BOOK)-Secrets of Voodoo

Secrets of Voodoo traces the development in Haiti ...

(READ)-Traces of Fremont: Society and Rock Art in Ancient Utah

Fremont is a culture (ca. 300–1300 A.D.) first d...

(EBOOK)-Race and Human Diversity: A Biocultural Approach

Race and Human Diversity is an introduction to the...

(BOOS)-Deadly Words: Witchcraft in the Bocage

This 1980 book examines witchcraft beliefs and exp...

(BOOS)-Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History

Anthropological Theory: An Introductory History, S...

(EBOOK)-Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

This book provides comprehensive coverage of the m...

(EBOOK)-The Chrysanthemum And The Sword


(DOWNLOAD)-Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire

Houston describes the origin or civilization and e...

(EBOOK)-Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India

This ethnography is a cultural study of the Hijras...
