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  • 0 Articles
[DOWNLOAD] - The Course Syllabus: A Learning-Centered Approach

When it was first published in 1997, The Course Sy...

[READ] - Grammar, Grades 7-8, 100 Reproducible Activities

A top-selling teacher resource line, The 100+ Seri...

[EBOOK] - Guided Reading, Second Edition: Responsive Teaching Across the Grades

Much has been written on the topic of guided readi...

[DOWNLOAD] - My First BOB Books: Pre-Reading Skills

Pre-Reading Skills
In these 12 warm and humorou...

[EBOOK] - Reading Pathways: Simple Exercises to Improve Reading Fluency

Now in its fifth edition, Reading Pathways (with h...

[READ] - Teaching with Love & Logic: Taking Control of the Classroom

Love and Logic is a method of working with student...

[EPUB] - Models of Teaching

Models of Teaching: The Heart of the Core gives re...

[DOWNLOAD] - Grammar and Punctuation, Grade 3

Grammar and Punctuation, Grade 3 provides rule cha...
