  • 50 Uploads
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(DOWNLOAD)-Spirituality in Patient Care: Why, How, When, and What

Praise for the previous edition:“I highly recomm...

(DOWNLOAD)-Narrative-Based Primary Care: A Practical Guide

Containing over 280 multiple-choice questions on g...

(BOOK)-When We Do Harm: A Doctor Confronts Medical Error

Patients enter the medical system with faith that ...

(BOOS)-The Latino Patient: A Cultural Guide for Health Care Providers

One book every health care professional needs! By ...

(DOWNLOAD)-Why Should I Listen to My Doctor? (Listening to Leaders)

When someone is sick or injured they go see a doct...

(EBOOK)-Handbook of Family Medicine

The Handbook of Family Medicine is an essential gu...

(BOOS)-In the Hands of Doctors: Touch and Trust in Medical Care

Why is it that, despite the curative wonders of mo...

(READ)-The Language of Medicine

The man arrived suffering from abdominal pain. Exa...

(BOOK)-The Right to Die (Point/Counterpoint (Chelsea Hardcover))

Is there a right to die? Should the elderly or the...

(BOOK)-Instructions for Patients: Spanish Version

An expanded version of the previous four editions,...

(EBOOK)-Achieving Your Personal Health Goals: A Patient\'s Guide

It is important that each of us understand and com...

(EBOOK)-Managing the Difficult Patient

The authors -- a psychologist and a medical doctor...
